Friday, October 30, 2009

Un Orphelinat sur le campus / An Orphanage on campus

Une trentaine d'enfants vivent à Sambaina dans un orphelinat financé jusqu'à récemment par une organisation internationale.
Le Sabbat matin, tous les enfants étaient sagement assis aux premiers rangs de l'église. La semaine, ils vont à l'école primaire sur le campus.
Lors de notre passage à Sambaina, nous en avons profité pour visiter l'orphelinat. Certains enfants jouaient à la dinette (des p'tits bouts de bois faisaient office de table ou de chaises), d'autres étaient de corvée de lessive.
Malheureusement avec la crise économique, l'aide financière diminue, et l'orphelinat va sans doute fermer dans quelques mois. On ne sais pas encore ce qu'il adviendra des enfants...

About 30 kids live in Sambaina in an orphange financed until quite recently by an international organisation.
At church on Sabbath morning, all the children sat quietly on the first rows. During the week they attend the primary school on campus.
During ou stay in Sambaine we took the opportunity to visit the orphanage. Some of the children were playing house (small pieces of wood were used to represent tables or chairs), others were on laundry duty.
Unfortunately, due to the economical crisis, the financial help has decreased and the orphanage will probably close in a few months. Not sure what will happen to the kids...


Syska Pacekova said...

This is so sad - there will be 30 homeless children..who probably can't see a future.. I know this was posted in October - any news about the orphanage since then?

Unknown said...

Gil, could you send me the details of the orphanage? Maybe we can find some funding around here.
Elizete x x x